We’re pleased to showcase a broad range of views from lesbian, gay and bisexual professionals. We may not always agree with another’s opinion, but it’s always good to listen.
The LGB Alliance Business Forum is a place for debate, discussion and new ideas. Submit your piece here to be added to our blog.

Are leaders suffering buyer’s remorse? Jo Bartosch on the DEI challenge.
By Jo Bartosch Inclusion policies are fast burning a hole in corporate pockets. The blaze was ignited five years ago when lesbian barrister Allison Bailey took her own chambers, Garden Court Chambers (GCC), to an employment tribunal for punishing her over the outrageous assertion that lesbians are, in fact, female. GCC, on the advice of lobby group Stonewall, deemed her refusal to accept that straight men could be lesbians as transphobic. She won aggravated damages. Fast forward to today, and...

Individualism above collectivism. How the unions capitulated to identity politics.
By Jan Baxter Until 2013, I’d been a regular attendee at PCS Union conference, not least because I was Secretary of the union’s LGBT group, Proud, for about six years, and represented PCS on the TUC LGBT committee. I’ve also been a Branch Secretary and Regional Equality Officer, amongst other roles. So, my return to conference as a branch delegate in May 24 wasn’t my first rodeo. Union conferences have everything from grandstanding bun fights to serious debate on home and international issues...

Tolerance must be a two way street
By Kate Barker, CEO, LGB Alliance As Margot James MP famously said, “if you don’t like the idea of gay marriage, don’t marry a gay person.” Showing, rather neatly, that the advances LGB people have sought have never been at the expense of the rights of others. In fact, it’s clear that lesbians, gay men and bisexuals have a pretty good track record of driving social changes that – as it turned out – were actually good for everyone. It’s an approach that has served us well. It’s no longer...